Our Curriculum
The Western Australian Curriculum is fully implemented at Greenwood College, which is a mandated requirement for all WA schools. The WA Curriculum provides a comprehensive set of prescribed content and achievement standards. We use these to plan student learning programs, assess student progress and report to parents.
General capabilities
General Capabilities in the WA Curriculum encompass the knowledge, skills, behaviours and dispositions that will assist students to live and work successfully. The general capabilities are addressed through each learning area at Greenwood College and are embedded in all learning programs.
Literacy Numeracy Information and Communication Technology Critical and creative thinking
Personal and social capability Ethical understanding Intercultural understanding
- English
- Mathematics
- Humanities & Social Sciences
- Science
- Languages
- The Arts
- Health & Physical Education
- Technologies
- Library
- Vocational Education and Training (VET)
The study of English provides insights into the ways that people live and think. It allows for the exploration of our own and other cultures.
It broadens our understanding of ourselves and our world. English develops a student’s abilities in listening, speaking, reading, viewing and writing. Students learn to apply these skills with purpose, effect, understanding and critical awareness.
The course is aligned to the Western Australian Curriculum which is organised into three interrelated strands:
Western Australian English Curriculum
- Language
- Literature
- Literacy
- Language
- Literature
- Literacy
Language - Knowing about Standard Australian English
Literature - Understanding, appreciating, responding to, analysing and creating literature
Literacy - Expanding the repertoire of English usage.
The English curriculum offers a variety of learning activities that include the use of various texts, (short stories, novels, non-fiction, poetry, drama, expository, television, film and still images) with learning outcomes that focus on students comprehending and composing work while demonstrating an understanding of the conventions of the English language.
The Western Australian Mathematics Curriculum provides students with essential mathematical skills and knowledge in number and algebra, measurement and geometry and statistics and probability. It develops the numeracy capabilities that all students need in their personal, work and civic life and provides the fundamentals on which mathematical specialties and professional applications of mathematics are built.
The Greenwood Mathematics program includes all ATAR and non-ATAR upper school courses.
Years 7-10 follow the Australian Curriculum syllabus. Learning is geared towards each child's ability with each year group streamed into 3 Pathways. This allows us to extend highly capable students and support students who need extra help.
Our tests incorporate calculator and non-calculator sections, so students can solve mathematically both ways. Students receive support beyond the classroom through:
Regular weekly homework
All courses and resources accessible through Moodle
Greenwood College takes pride in the excellence and quality of its Mathematics program and the achievement of its students. Our Mathematics staff encourage our students to become self-motivated, confident learners through active participation in challenging and engaging experiences.
Humanities and Social Sciences is the study of human behaviour and interaction in social, cultural, environmental, economic and political contexts. In the Western Australian Curriculum, the Humanities and Social Sciences learning area comprises four subjects:

These subjects are organised in two broad interrelated strands: Knowledge and understanding, and Humanities and Social Sciences skills. Students increase their knowledge on each of the above topics through to the end of Year 10.
The Psychology course and VET are additional areas of responsibility of the Humanities and Social Sciences learning area.
In Science, students develop a scientific view of the world and develop their understanding of science ideas and uses. They use this view to explore the world around them.
Science provides an empirical way of answering interesting and important questions about the biological, chemical, physical and technological world.
Students are encouraged to explore, ask questions and speculate on the changing world in which they live. Learning occurs both in and out of the classroom.
Students are given the opportunity to attend excursions and incursions to assist with their learning and allow them to make informed decisions and be productive members of society after their schooling.
The skills that are developed will assist them as they continue to learn throughout school and beyond.
The dynamic nature of education assisted by the advent of rapid technological communication and easily accessible knowledge provides all students at Greenwood College the opportunity to succeed in Science.
The Greenwood College Aviation Program is a Department of Education approved specialist program, designed for students who are serious about aviation. Prospective students must submit a written application and sit an academic aptitude test. Acceptance into the Aviation program is for four years from Year 7 to 10. Parents need to register interest before April for enrolment in Year 7 the following year.
Exciting and challenging, the program prepares students for a rewarding future in aviation. From learning to fly fixed-wing aeroplanes and helicopters to connecting with the Aviation Industry, this in-depth program is perfect for students with a genuine interest in aviation.
Drama students have the opportunity to develop performance skills in high-quality live productions. They are given a complete dramatic education from learning different acting styles for a performing arts career to competitions and performance tours.
Year 7 General Drama
Students develop basic Drama Skills.
Year 8 General Drama
Students learn improvisation, role play and receive a basic introduction to techniques from various drama disciplines.
Year 9 General Drama
Students learn about theatre, drama history, character construction and play structure with emphasis on public presentation. In Semester One students devise, rehearse and perform their own original drama. In Semester Two they will rehearse and perform a published play.
Year 10 General Drama
Live performance is central to Year 10 Drama and students will go on a drama tour of local primary schools and complete a public presentation at the end of the year.
Year 11 General Drama
Students to integrate their knowledge and skills to develop and present ideas that explore personal and cultural issues. They engage in drama processes, such as improvisation, play building, text interpretation, playwriting and dramaturgy. The course work includes production, set making, costumes, makeup, props, promotional materials, stage management, front-of-house activities, sound and lighting. They present drama to a range of audiences and work in different performance settings.
Visual Arts
Years 7 to 12 courses develop skills and techniques in drawing, painting, graphics, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, textiles and digital media.
A successful and ongoing partnership with Central Institute of Technology ensures that creatively talented and interested upper-school students can acquire a Certificate lll in Visual Arts over two years.
Students with an interest in Visual Arts can further develop advanced skills for a career in the areas such as Graphic Design, Advertising, Animation, Film and Television, Fashion, Sign-writing, Theatre and stage set design, Photography, Web-design, Gaming and Fine Arts.

Media at Greenwood means the opportunity to work in a film studio enabling students to explore green screen and special effects.
Year 7 Media
Students will be introduced to the types of experiences they will enjoy studying the Media subject area. They will become familiar with the Media equipment including, editing suites, HD cameras and the Green Screen Studio.
Year 8 Media
Students will learn introductory film construction, developing an understanding of the media industry. They will develop the skills and be given the equipment to plan, write, storyboard, act, film and edit their movie.
Year 9 Media
The focus of this unit is short film construction. Students will develop an understanding of film production techniques and be introduced to basic media theory. Students will work with the special effects green screen enhancing their knowledge of feature film production.
Year 10 Media
The focus for this unit is TV Crime Dramas and an introduction to Hollywood Genre Films. Students are introduced to more complex aspects of film making, current production trends and special effects. They will develop film sequences including trailers and short films.
Year 11 Media
The Media Production and Analysis General course prepares students for a future in a digital and interconnected world by providing the skills, knowledge and understandings to tell their own stories and interpret others stories. Students learn the languages of media communication and how a story is constructed using representations.
General Dance
The college offers a school-based specialist program in Dance from years 7-12. All students study a range of different genres which varies from year to year but may include contemporary, ballet, jazz, hip hop, acrobatics, cultural, lyrical, tap and Bollywood.
Dance students have the opportunity to perform at a range of different events throughout the year.
Dance Elite Program
The Dance Elite program provides students with the opportunity to build on their prior dance knowledge, performance and choreographic skills.
Entry into this course is by audition only and prior dance experience is required. Students should enter Dance Elite on the Subject Selection form and this will enable them to be registered for the audition.
The course includes;
A study of the full creative process from learning advanced techniques of jazz and contemporary, own choreography as well as public performances.
Investigations and research on dance genres as well as reviewing live professional dance performances.
A study of full stagecraft including makeup, costume and theatre etiquette.
In school and out of school activities and performances.

The Greenwood College Music Program has a long and celebrated history of developing talented musicians who have proudly represented the College in state competitions and on occasion, international tours.
Students from Year 7 to Year 12 can participate in the very popular Music Program. The Music program is taught by experienced and highly skilled staff and assisted by visiting instrumental specialists covering a wide variety of music genres including rock, classical, contemporary, folk and jazz.
It is made up of three parts, with all Music students participating in Class, Instrumental and Ensemble Music classes concurrently. Run in conjunction with the Department of Education’s Instrumental Music School Services, or IMSS, this program provides students with the opportunity to develop their musical skills and knowledge, as well as to perform in solo, small group and large ensemble contexts.
Enrolment applications are invited from students statewide with places reserved for continuing students. Beginner students are also welcome to apply depending on places remaining.
There are a range of sport facilities including a 25 meter outdoor pool on site at Greenwood College. Our interschool teams compete in different sports including Swimming, Athletics Carnivals, Football, Netball, Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball and Interschool Lightning Carnivals.
Outdoor Education programs focus on providing learning experiences designed to instil a positive approach to recreating in the outdoors through participation in activities such as Water Safety, Bush cooking, Camping and Hiking.
Health Programs encourage each child to take responsibility for their wellbeing by making positive and healthy lifestyle decisions.
Across all our programs and courses, we have a responsibility to develop and enhance lifestyle skills. We provide opportunities to learn, practice and enhance interpersonal and self-management skills.
The Greenwood College Volleyball Program is a Department of Education approved specialist program. It is designed for students who want to develop high-level performance and technical volleyball skill. Prospective students must complete a Volleyball Trial in Year 6 for acceptance in Year 7 Students may be able to try out later if there are vacancies.
Each child in the program will be given the best possible opportunity to play competitive volleyball. Our volleyball program is supportive while building character, self-discipline and a love of the sport. The program offers integrated indoor and beach volleyball for all students selected.
Home Economics: Food Technology
The Food courses provide opportunities for students to explore various influences affecting their food choices such as cultural beliefs, nutritional knowledge, advertising campaigns and more. Students learn about a balanced diet and apply healthy eating nutritional concepts.
The practical component focuses on preparation and presentation techniques as students prepare an array of edible tasty, attractive and nutritious food products. Senior school students design inventive recipes through Master Chef challenges created in the classroom. The knowledge and skills developed will enable them to seek further education, training or employment in the hospitality industry.
Home Economics: Textiles, Fashion & Craft
The Technology Process enables students to develop their sewing skills using a variety of textiles and equipment including computerised sewing machines and overlockers whilst making items such as bags, quilts, cushions, pillowcases and pencil cases as well as a range of craft items. The Year 10 Textiles course further develops sewing skills so students can complete patchwork quilt as well as numerous clothing items.
Home Economics: Certificate II in Community Services & Childcare
Childcare classes cover human development from conception to adulthood. Students learn what infants and children need to grow, develop and mature.
Senior school students visit West Greenwood Kindergarten to work with their kindy buddy on educational activities. Students participate in the Baby Think It Over program, allowing students to have first-hand experience with a virtual baby.
The practical component incorporates sewing skills for the production of bags, toys, games, booklets and accessories for young children. Students will develop the knowledge and skills for further education, training or employment in the area of childcare, nursing and community services.
Design & Technology
In Design and Technology, students research, design and develop innovative and creative solutions. They apply skills of planning and implementing a process while using tools and machines to produce high-quality products. This is a practical course, students can work in wood, metal, automotive and photography.
Woodwork / Furniture Design
Lower school Woodwork
Students learn to work with wood. Students are taught the basic skills of shaping, joining and applying a finish to a range of projects through to more complex projects. Students can demonstrate their creativeness through personal design projects.
Upper School: Materials Design & Technology
Building on the skills developed in lower school woodwork this course investigates methods of shaping and joining timber to create furniture pieces designed by themselves. They will be introduced to a range of different timber finishes for quality items of furniture. This subject provides a valuable foundation for students considering pursuing a career in this field.
Mechanics and Automotive Engineering Technology
This subject is designed for students with a practical or vocational interest in the automotive industry.
The subject focuses on current automotive technology including routine care and maintenance, tools and their uses, threads and fasteners, internal combustion engines, fuels and fuel systems, lubrication, cooling systems, electrical systems, panel beating and spray painting. Students learn a range of automotive skills including, arc welding, mig welding, oxy welding and oxy cutting.
Photography and Visual Arts
Students begin their journey using analogue and digital cameras then progressing into post-editing using industry standard software and equipment. Students learn skills in both Photography and Design. The upper school Visual Arts course gives students the opportunity to obtain a Certificate III in Visual Arts (Photography) through our partnerships with Central TAFE.
Information Technology
Greenwood College has well equipped Information Technology laboratories and offers a range of Industry standard courses. Students are exposed to cutting edge programs and highly experienced teachers support the learning process.
At lower school level the students gain valuable skills that transfer to other subjects within the college. They explore Microsoft Office, cyber safety, Adobe Photoshop, animation programs, web page design, Adobe Flash, Dreamweaver and Fireworks.
In upper school, students can obtain nationally recognised certification, Certificate II in Information Technology. The Certificate II in Information Technology will be delivered over two years and contributes to WACE. This course is designed to enhance students prospects of gaining employment by providing a solid grounding in IT.
The Library houses a large collection of resources for students to borrow and use. Resources include fiction, quick reads, non-fiction, reference books, periodicals, games and computers. Students can borrow four items for up to two weeks with the ability to extend if required. The Library is open before school, recess from Monday to Thursday and every day at lunchtime.
Student Pathways
Student Pathways helps students successfully transition from school to University, TAFE, Apprenticeships or employment. VET programs at Greenwood College give our students the best opportunity to reach their career goals.
The student pathways officer can help each child to:
Learn about the different ways to contact employers about jobs
Explore the jobs and industries that might suit
Understand how to develop skills and build experience
Learn how to make a job application stand out to employers
Adjust to the workforce and understand workplace rights and responsibilities. There are a range of Vocational training opportunities at Greenwood College. Students are supported to building and develop meaningful industry skills while attaining WACE.
Vocational Education and Training (VET) Opportunities
VET creates the building blocks for future work and training opportunities. This training expands career options, allows for advanced standing in future training and is highly cost effective due to state and federal government subsidies.
Vocational Opportunities
Students may use unit equivalents through Vocation opportunities to support their attainment of their WACE. Vocation opportunities include Certificate programs delivered at school or one day a week off site. Students can engage in completing qualifications, including onsite and external enrolment of year 11 and 12 students with providers such as Skills Strategies, North Metropolitan TAFE, Hospitality Group Training, CosAmp, Master Plumbers, the Motor Training Association and Fremantle Education Centre.
Work Experience
For every 55 hours of work completed with a skills journal a unit equivalent will be awarded. Workplace Learning (ADWPL) has been gaining interest at the school level as more students successfully explore career options and industries whilst completing their general school studies.
Placements have been in a range of industries including Dog Grooming, Electrical, Child Care, Administration, Paint and Panel, Hairdressing, Retail, Sport and Recreation, Carpentry, Hospitality, Aged Care, Tiling, Plumbing and Gas, Plastering, and Automotive. Many of these opportunities have directly resulted in our students gaining full time apprenticeships commencing at the conclusion of their schooling.
We also offer access to:
School-based Traineeships: students undertake training in a paid work environment.
Endorsed Programs: recognition for students undertaking significant learning programs.
Community Service: recognition for service in surf lifesaving, music, speech and dance examinations.
We pride ourselves on engaging with all students supporting them to develop and explore future sustainable pathways.
Try A Trade Experiences
These have been a highlight for many year 9 and 10 students. Students utilise and explore numerous skills including building and construction, concreting, brick laying, carpentry, electrical and plumbing.
Our students have access to:
Certificate II Business
Certificate II Community services
Certificate II Sport and a Recreation
Certificate II Music
Certificate III Visual Arts - Photography
Certificate III Business
Certificate III Visual Arts - Art
Our students have access to one day a week external training in the following:
Certificate III in Population Health
Certificate II in Computer Assembly and Repair
Certificate III in Population Health Leederville
Certificate II in Plumbing Pre-app
Certificate III in Population Health
Certificate III in Music Industry
Certificate II in Construction Pathways (Building Maintenance)
Certificate II in Building and Construction
Certificate II Automotive Vehicle Servicing
Certificate II in Data and Voice Communications
Certificate II in Retail Services – School based Traineeship
Certificate III in Education Support
Certificate III in Tourism
Certificate II in Building and Construction (Paraprofessional)
Certificate II in Electrotechnology
Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
Certificate II in Building and Construction
Certificate III in Health Services Assistance
Certificate II in Surveying and Spatial Information Services
Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation
Certificate III in Screen and Media
Certificate II in Kitchen Operations (Commercial Cookery/Patisserie Pre-Apprenticeship)
Certificate II in Integrated Technologies
Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology
Certificate III Health Service Assistance
Certificate II in Medical Service First Response