Student Services

Caring and Approachable

Our Student Services team are here to support and guide students through life at high school on all issues academic and non-academic. Our focus is on the well-being of every student. 

We offer student support through many positive programs including Champions for Change, High Flyers, Pathways and career exploration, House Points, assemblies and extracurricular activities.

The Student Services hub is located in the College’s Administration Block.

Student Services Team

Student Services has an open-door policy for students and private areas for counselling and interview purposes.
Parents and carers should contact specific year coordinators regarding concerns with their child.

Student Services Coordinator

Years 7 & 8
Mr Fil Filidei

Student Services Coordinator

Years 9 & 11
Ms Fiona Gatey

Student Services Coordinator

Years 10 & 12 
Ms Amy Billingham

Student Support Enquires

Please note all Student Support enquires will be triaged via the Parent Support Hub (Currently under development)

For more information, visit ... LINK HERE

Year Coordinators

Year 8, 11 & 12

Ms Shannon Palmer

Year 7, 9 & 10

Ms Louise Cockman

Health Services

Greenwood Health Centre supports student health and well-being.
It is located in the heart of the school campus giving students access to first aid facilities, fully trained practitioners and trained medical staff at the nurses' station.

Immunisation Information


What Services are available

Information and support to students (and their families) to help them make informed decisions about their health, wellbeing and development.

School-based immunisation programs

Providing a first point of contact for health care for students.

Referral to other health professionals if required.

Working with teachers to support health education sessions.

Student health and wellbeing programs.

Health assessments for vision, hearing and development, if required.

Helping school staff and parents develop health care plans for students with special needs (such as chronic disease, physical disability or other complex health conditions).