Greenwood College Alumni

A Message from the Chairman
Greenwood College, previously known as Greenwood Senior High School, was established in 1976. To mark 40 years as a vibrant and thriving public school the Greenwood College Alumni (GCA) was officially launched in 2016.
The GCA is a community of ex-students and ex-teachers from the school. You don’t have to be a member to be part of the alumni society. If you were ever a student or a teacher at the school, you are one of us. The aim of the GCA is to allow our school community to stay connected. High school is a special time in our lives and after we leave school we will often want to reconnect with the school and the people we went to school with. This is where an active alumni society can play an important role.
At present the GCA has a dedicated Facebook page curated by ex-student Mike Frencham (to be found at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3730110579/) and a newly established website (www.greenwoodalumni.org). Anyone interested in alumi events or reconnecting with old friends should visit these sites.
The GCA committee is run by Brett Tooker, Glen Mesch, Julie McClung and Natalie Aukim. As an alumni committee we’ve had a bit of a hiatus during the pandemic but we hope to kick start things again in the near future. In the meantime, stay safe and we hope to see you at a Greenwood event soon!
Brett Tooker
GCA President